marți, 31 martie 2009

o farama...

cand am aflat ca te intorci pentru a ramane inca doua luni am fost cea mai fericita...jur...simteam nu stiu...simteam ca plutesc...simteam ca poate mai am o sansa...simteam din nou...chiar simteam...dar acum...acum dupa ce realizez unele lucruri...acum abea astept sa pleci...

When that someone you love doesn't love you and
you are lonely and sad... Fate dealt a hand and
you've lost it...the best pal that you ever had Each
appeal that you made was a failure your romance
had come to the end And that someone you love
doesn't love you that's when your heartaches begin...
amintirile....o sa le pastrez mereu cu mine...n-am cum sa scap de ele...asa e omul...dar sentimentele...sentimentele pe care ti le port eu acum in suflet as vrea sa vrea sa dispara ca orice necaz care de bine de rau oricat de incet tot trece...te lasa...te pirnde in mainile lui marsave....te tine acolo,te strange,te face sa suferi dar pana la urma iti da drumul...dar sentimentele?sentimentele de ce nu pot fii asa?de ce trebuie timp pentru a uita o persoana?timp...poate timp e prea putin spus...caci nu de timp e de ceea ce am eu nevoie ca sa te sa imi gasesc eu puterea in mine sa trec peste ceea ce simt...dar oare am atata putere?banuiesc ca daca as avea acea putere nu m-as mai gandi la m-ar mai interesa ce faci...daca te mai te-ai m-ar mai interesa ce imi spui cand ne intalnim nu as mai tremura de fiecare data cand te apoi sa simt o fericire interioara pentru simplu fapt ca m-ai intrebat ce mai fac sau cine stie ce alt lucru complect banal...complect absurd...oare de unde vine puterea de a trece peste sentimente?cine le poate calca in picioare?cine?as da orice sa aflu...dar nu pot si trebuie sa traiesc in incertitudine...incertitudinea daca voi putea vreodata sa te uit?!sa am puterea cand te vad pe strada intamplator si povestim in gandul meu sa zambesc doar zicand "a fost inca unul" nu cum e acum...cand imi trec mii de intrebari prin cap dintre care nu pot sa o pun pe nu pot sa nu am zambetul talamb pe fata...mii de emotii si mii de sperante...speranta ca poate mai este o sansa...
de aceea sper...sper ca dupa ce vei pleca totul va fi mai usor...sper ca e adevarat cliseul "ochii care nu se vad se uita"sper din tot sufletul...dar as vrea sa nu fie totul doar o speranta...pentru ca oricat timp ar trece fara sa te vad...oricat de sigura as fii ca te-am uitat definitiv...oricat de mult as crede ca am ajuns sa tin la altcineva....cand te revad realizez ca de fapt tot ce simt simt pentru oricare altul e langa mine il compar cu compar si mai rau de atat imi imaginez ca ai putea fii chiar tu in locul doare....doare rau...
te rog...m-ai strans destul...m-am chinuit suferit destul...da-mi drumul...te rog da-mi drumul...lasa-ma sa mai pot...doare prea vreau sa mai vreau sa mai vreau sa ma mai gandesc la vreau...dar nu pot sa fac asta....asa ca te rog...salveaza-ma de mine insumi...lasa-ma sa plec....elibereaza-ma de sentimente de ganduri de tot...tot ce imi aminteste de tine...te rog mult......

duminică, 15 martie 2009

I've been to the place we first met....the place we used to call ours...but they've change they know we are not the same anymore?
I felt it empty...altough it was really crowdy...I tasted from your glass the champagnie we used to drink that night....but I didn't like was to dry...just like things between us now.... I was missing you....the way we danced....the way we we laughed....the time when you were calling me "baby"....when no one and nothing was between us....when we shared our dreams and shared your bed...The time we used to call "us"...but with every blink of an eye..I was realizing that nothing is like it was...the place...the people...the was just not the same...They changed the decoration...i felt it cold...they've put new I never heared before...but also one song...that one song that reminded me of us...we looked at eatchother....smilled and sang the lyrics...I wonder if you saw in my eyes how much I care about you.......
there is one thing they did not do...they didn't change us...we changed us both...both know...yesterday for the very first time I felt love and hate at the same hurt...I felt like going to the bathroom....close myself there and cry...cry and forget everything...but I couldn't...I run to the toillet and on the way there I met you. "You shouldn't smoke so much anymore...."u said...smilled at me and then sent me a kiss and left...
....Hey idiot...i'm smoking because of you...
Why can't it be the way it used to be that night?
Why can't you understand I still want you?
Why can't I simply forget you?
Why can't I simply ignore you?
Why are you always hurting me without knowing?
Why do I always feel lost when I see your smile?
Why can't you care about me too?
Why do I love you?....
Why were u my first and you don't even know that?
Why am I writting this?
Why....why does it have to be that way and why don't I have the courage to tell you all this face to face?
Why are you drinking Moyet without me?Don't you feel it dry too....?